MRS Digital Blog


We live and breathe all things digital marketing here at MRS. From the latest Google updates to must-know tips and tricks, find out all the juicy MRS and industry gossip right here.

  • What is Microcopy? How Small Words Make BIG Money

    Microcopy is a little-appreciated aspect of web copy. But, it can make the difference between a conversion and a lead getting lost. Microcopy increases click-through rate. It boosts engagement and provides a better user experience. In short: small words matter. Why? Because people read less than 20% of a website’s content. We want a short […]

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  • 7 Digital Marketing Predictions for 2018

    Happy New Year from the team here at MRS! We’re looking ahead to what the future holds for digital marketing. 2018 promises to be a big year in all aspects of digital marketing. Compliance changes like GDPR are promising to transform our inboxes, while Facebook continues to amalgamate as many services as possible into its […]

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