57 Of The Best SEO Jokes & Memes

57 Of The Best SEO Jokes & Memes

Last updated October 2023

Working in SEO really can be an emotional rollercoaster, what with Google’s algorithms and the ever-changing landscape. We feel most other digital marketers will probably concur when we say that SEO and digital marketing is not synonymous with humour. At least, until now…

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Funny SEO Videos | Funny SEO Memes | Funny SEO Jokes | Twitter Favourites 

UPDATE: This blog post is now Matt Cutts approved. Don’t believe us? The proof is in the Tweeting

It turns out there’s a lot of SEO humour around, you’ve just got to know where to look for it (good thing we know a bit about Google, right?). So, we’ve collected some of the best SEO jokes and memes around into one handy place. We’re not promising they’re all hilarious BUT if you’re in the business we can guarantee you’ll at least break a smile while scrolling through our finds.

Let’s be clear, we’re not pretending we’re the owners or creators of these pictures, memes, jokes and videos (well, maybe some of them). We’ve just used our years of finely honed SEO skills to discover them so you don’t have to. So, settle down and prepare to be at least mildly amused!

Funny SEO and Digital Marketing Videos

Ever feel like your family have literally no idea what you actually do? Well, for the most part, you’re absolutely right.

Yeah, ‘normal people’ really have no idea at all.

But how can they when we’ve basically got our own language? (We used to love Pandas).

Google has put together some pretty funny videos about web user experience too. Thinking twice about implementing recommended products on your next eCommerce site now?

We all know that if you’re going to use internal site search it has to work properly, right?

This is possibly the most ludicrous of them all, but still pretty pertinent.

Finally, we don’t like taking a dig at other forms of marketing too often but this was too good not to share from Adobe.

SEO and Digital Marketing Joke Music Videos

In all honesty, when we started writing this SEO humour piece, we never imagined we’d have a category in this blog about SEO music videos but here we are. It turns out there are some pretty talented lyricists out there who also know a thing or two about SEO. Their production values may leave something to be desired but overall we can’t fault their talent. First off…

Who doesn’t love a good Jingle Bells rework?

Introducing Charles Lewis, the SEO Rapper, and his summary of Google’s algorithm updates!

And here he is with his son spitting bars about Google’s now defunct PageRank.

Turns out Charles Lewis provides all sort of useful SEO raps, including one about improving your content:

Don’t forget to bookmark these digital marketing joke videos for the next time you’re halfway through a disavow document and need something to break the painful, crushing monotony.

Funny SEO Memes and Pictures

You may be surprised to hear that there are more funny SEO memes out there than we could shake a stick at. We’ve chosen some of our favourites below.

If you’re an SEO but haven’t heard of (the now unfortunately inactive) SEO Ryan Gosling we suggest you hang up your SERP hat right now!

seo ryan gosling

(Source: http://seoryangosling.tumblr.com/)

Liam Neeson hates manipulative linking techniques just as much as us.

Taken SEO Meme

(Source: Facebook)

Continuing with the Taken theme Matt Cutts used to hate dodgy links too. Plus, he worked for the government for a bit, so he’ll find you, no matter what…

Matt Cutts SEO Meme

(Source: Facebook)

Even Obama knows that the old blog comment linking strategy doesn’t work anymore (so why do people insist on still commenting on every single blog!?)

Obama Blog Comments SEO Meme

(Source: Facebook)

The number one rule for checking rankings, use incognito!

SEO guru funny SEO meme

(Source: Facebook)

An oldy but a goldy. With featured snippets, ads and soon Generative AI taking up more SERP real estate than ever, you’re lucky if anyone will find you towards the bottom of page one let alone page two.

Google Page 2 SEO Meme

(Source: Facebook)

This one’s very reminiscent of the 50 calls we get a day asking us if we need SEO even as a digital marketing agency. We don’t Lionel, but thanks for asking.

hello is it SEO you're looking for funny SEO meme

(Source: Facebook)

In all honesty, if you’re the person who paid for those links, this is far from funny…

I paid to build links SEO meme

(Source: Facebook)

Even Kanye and Jay Z know how silly this is.

Kanye Jay Z funny SEO meme

(Source: Facebook)

Stay classy digital marketers.

ron burgundy funny SEO meme

(Source: Facebook)

Remember the heady days of 2015 when Matt Cutts appeared in a ‘public service announcement’ about great content? The internet does…

Great content funny SEO meme

(Source: Facebook)

Some of MRS’s very own:

While the beginning of this blog says we haven’t made our own, we may have been slightly lying. Now there’s Gen Z team members, they’ve decided that this blog is too cheugy (millennial cringe) for 2023, and have entered some of their own.

We’ll let you judge who’s sense of humour is better…

57 Of The Best SEO Jokes & Memes
57 Of The Best SEO Jokes & Memes
57 Of The Best SEO Jokes & Memes
57 Of The Best SEO Jokes & Memes
57 Of The Best SEO Jokes & Memes
57 Of The Best SEO Jokes & Memes
57 Of The Best SEO Jokes & Memes

SEO Humour One Liners

There were a lot of SEO memes out there but there were even more SEO jokes. We’ve sorted the wheat from the chaff, the cream from the crop and the so-bad-they’re-good from the so-bad-they’re, well, bad and have left you with a list of inspired SEO one liners.

If fish is a Penguins’ favourite food what’s its least favourite?


What does an SEO and part time chiropractor fix?

—- Back link

A trampoline site got in touch

—- Yet another client that has a high bounce rate

What is a pirate’s favourite PPC metric?

—- CT-Rrrrrrrrr

The England international football team got in touch with us for SEO services

—- They need more goals set up, and don’t want penalties

Why do SEOs love the farmer’s market?

—- Lots of organic content

What’s a pirate’s favourite part of SEO?


And here a few not so great ones:

Why is it wrong to have lots of Pandas in the same cage at the Zoo?

—- It could be considered stuffing!

Why did the SEO expert cross the road?

—- To get hit with traffic

What do you call an SEO expert who sells vans?

—- Danny “SellAVan”

Why did Tiger Woods start studying SEO?

—- To get his #1 ranking back

What room was Matt Cutts trying to find when he got lost at the SEO Conference?

—- Room 404

What do you call a search engine with a bad marketing department?

—- A Decision Engine

What do you call an SEO expert who praises Google?

—- “Kneel” Patel

What do you call a game where touching the person makes them NOT it?

—- Alt tag

What do SEO pre-schoolers have at break?

—- Link juice boxes

Why do SEOs hate watery oatmeal?

—- Thin content

So, there you have it. We hope you enjoyed the most exhaustive list of SEO jokes and humour available on the internet today.

Don’t forget; if you enjoyed this post why not give it a share to give your fellow SEOs and digital marketers a laugh. Plus, if you’ve got an incredible SEO meme, joke or video that the SEO world needs to know about give us a shout in the comments below or jump over to our Facebook or Twitter.

These jokes were aggregated from Dashburst,  My Site AuditorBrightEdge and social media so all complaints regarding their quality can be sent their way if you don’t mind.

Is Your SEO A Joke?

We take SEO seriously. That’s why our clients are seeing major movements in keywords, gaining visibility and getting a serious return on their investment.

Let us put a smile on your face with our dedicated SEO services.

Look who’s talking…

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