MRS Digital Blog


We live and breathe all things digital marketing here at MRS. From the latest Google updates to must-know tips and tricks, find out all the juicy MRS and industry gossip right here.

  • 7 Genuine Automotive Marketing Trends to Pay Attention To

    Automotive marketing can sometimes move at a snail’s pace, but it can also feel like it’s moving at a pace that’s hard to catch up with. From video being top of the food chain to creating immersive experiences digitally, are you aware of what’s actually a trend in marketing? We’ve noted down some of the […]

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  • SEO For Finance Companies: Your Guide to Success

    From industry compliance to high levels of competition, increasing visibility in the organic search results for finance companies certainly presents unique challenges that come with the territory. Not only do finance companies face challenges posed by their own industry, but they also fall under the YMYL category (where web content can impact ‘Your Money’ or […]

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  • 7 Best Automotive Marketing Campaign Examples

    Whether you’re selling cars, insurance or even petrol, knowing how to stand out in a competitive marketplace and engage consumers isn’t an easy feat. Automotive marketers often have to think outside the box to show off their latest product or to get the brand awareness they need to perform. As an award-winning automotive SEO agency, […]

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  • SEO for the Automotive Industry – A Best Practice Guide for 2024 

    The automotive industry presents a unique set of challenges when it comes to SEO. Not only is the industry incredibly competitive, but many automotive businesses also need to consider best practice tactics within more specific areas of SEO such as local SEO, ecommerce SEO and more. With many branches of the automotive industry also falling […]

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  • What are Core Web Vitals? – A Guide

    Core Web Vitals. You’ve probably heard about them by now. Released as part of Google’s Page Experience update, which was originally scheduled for roll out in May 2021, postponed to mid-June 2021 and finally completed in August 2021, there has understandably been a number of questions being asked about it since.  If you’re still not sure – […]

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  • Google’s New Generative AI Search Experience – An SEO’s Perspective

    AI – it’s every marketer’s favourite buzzword of the moment. We’ve had ChatGPT, we’ve had Bard, and it appears everyone now wants a slice of the action. From getting AI to do the ‘dirty’ work – solve problems, write code, streamline tasks, and answer questions – what’s the next step for AI? Perhaps, we’ll make […]

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  • Schema Markup for Dummies: An MRS Guide 2024

    You don’t need to be a web developer to understand schema markup. Discover the what’s, how’s and where’s in plain English, simply explained.

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  • Search Updates – January ’23 Changes

    From algorithm updates finishing their rollout to Microsoft’s plans to integrate with ChatGPT, January certainly did not disappoint. Read on to discover the changes in the world of search.

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  • Scrolling or Searching? TikTok; Gen Z’s Search Engine

    TikTok. Until lockdown in 2020, the name TikTok was that of a Ke$ha song to many, rather than the next viral social media platform. Valued at nearly $50 billion in 2021, and reaching 740 million new users the same year, TikTok is quickly taking over as the firm favourite social media platform.   TikTok rose to […]

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