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Excel Shortcuts for Savvy Digital Marketers [CHEAT SHEET]

Excel doesn’t have to be a minefield. Download our handy guide for the most used and most important Excel shortcuts that every digital marketer needs.

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Most digital marketers have no idea how much Excel is going to be a part of their lives. The best digital marketing strategies are data-led and the best way to manage and interpret that data is by using a spreadsheet. Today, managing spreadsheets means mastering Excel.

Why is Excel so Important to Digital Marketing?

Simple. It’s the best way to manipulate data.

As digital marketers, we use all sorts of tools to gather marketing data. From keyword rankings to traffic numbers and conversion data, we work with heaps of data every day. Excel allows you to manipulate that data into a useful form and run queries to gather insights. Armed with this data, you can make informed marketing decisions that deliver real results.

If you’re working with Excel every day, here are a few tips to help speed up your life.

Important Excel Shortcuts

Managing Excel Formulae

formula excel shortcuts

Insert AutoSum Formula

AutoSum is a function in Excel that automatically enters the appropriate formula or function into your spreadsheet. It’s a fast way of rolling your formula out across multiple fields.

Spreadsheet Navigation

navigation excel shortcuts

Jump to the Top of a Column

If you’re (literally) deep in the data and need to surface, this little shortcut can bring you back up in no time!


data selection excel cheats

Select Entire Row

Use this Excel shortcut to highlight a whole row of data.

data selection excel cheats

Expand Selection

This shortcut allows you to expand the selection by one cell up or down.


formatting excel cheats

Unhide Selected Rows

This is how to unhide things. An essential shortcut if you accidentally hide data and have no idea how to get it back! (We’ve been there…)

formatting excel cheats

Show Values As %

Switch between decimals and percentages without head-scratching by using this simple Excel shortcut.

Download the full Excel Shortcuts Chart for Mac & PC right here!

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