MRS Digital Blog

Author: MRS Digital

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  • The Top 5 Updates To Social Media in 2015 (So Far)

    2015 has been a bumper year already for updates to some of the biggest players in the social media game. This means that, although we’re only a few months into the New Year, we felt it would be a good idea to make you aware of the best of the bunch of new social media […]

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  • Connect with your Audience – Drop the Technical Jargon

    When marketing your business, we believe that placing your customer first is a must. But when communicating your marketing message do you prioritise your clients or do you alienate them? (more…)

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  • Penguin 3.0: Are You Affected?

    Once again the internet is alive with chatter about yet another Google algorithm update. Almost exactly a month after Google updated their Panda algorithm with instalment 4.1 Penguin 3.0 has been unleashed! (more…)

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  • Panda 4.1… A Cause for Concern

    After 4 months of silence, Google have finally announced an update for Google Panda. The algorithm that evaluates a website’s content. Updates to any of Google’s major search algorithms (Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird) often leads to many businesses and search engine optimisation agencies worrying. There’s a reason for this. This update, named Panda 4.1 by […]

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  • Sales V3 and SEO

    The third and final instalment in our sales V3 trilogy looks at the role search engine optimisation (SEO) has to play in the new sales process. Our previous articles looked at sales V3 as a whole and also the importance that a thorough and perfectly planned social media strategy plays. Below you will learn what SEO […]

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  • Sales V3 and Social Media

    Following on from our initial Sales V3 and What It Means For Digital Marketing piece we wanted to take a deeper look into the role social media plays in the new sales process. If you read our previous post you will already know that having a strong online presence will lead to more sales (and […]

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  • Sales V3 and What It Means For Digital Marketing

    Sales and marketing in 2014 is all about adapting to the ‘new buyer.’ Consumers now have access to more information than ever, mainly through search and new marketing channels such as social media. As a company it’s vital that you’re visible in these locations if you don’t want to lose valuable business. Take a look […]

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  • The Value of a Link in Search Engine Marketing today

    The history of backlinks Backlinks are offsite links that direct traffic to your website – and are a key metric for website ranking. But how can a search engine optimisation agency successfully execute link building with Google self-regulating the link building game? (more…)

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